Reality in question

This series of works explores the theme of the illusory perception of the surrounding reality and the role of humans in this process. When the boundary of reality becomes blurred, humans interpret the inexplicable through the lens of their familiarity. In this context, humans are portrayed as silent observers from behind the scenes.

The series comprises a variety of techniques, including pencil drawings on thick paper, acrylic on canvas, and digital painting. This selection of materials is designed to emphasize the contradictory nature of the subject matter.

The wind that initially rises appears as it does in the ordinary world, but it gradually unveils objects, phenomena, and forms that are not native to our world.

The vacant houses for sale may seem commonplace at first, but gradually reveal the matrix failure of the environment, the illogical construction, the impossible light, and the erroneous shadows.

Then, we transition into digital abstraction created with artificial intelligence, where we can only recognize the houses through our the brain's habit of finding explanations for incomprehensible things. In this manner, reality becomes progressively stratified, challenging our conventional perceptions of the world and prompting us to question whether we truly see what we see.

  • For :La Galerue | Lyon, France
  • Mediums : Pencil drawings, acrylic on canvas, AI
  • About :

    La Galerue